studies and actions dedicated to biodiversity
2022 | Freyberger Gallery
An intermedia exhibition that forms out of the interdisciplinary research project of PSU Berks professors Bryan Wang, Sandy Feinstein, and Samantha Kavky and PSU Lehigh Valley professor David Livert, working in partnership with Berks Nature, Baird Ornithological Club, and VOiCEup Berks. The study approaches the topic of biodiversity through a social lens, asking participants to care. Starting small, with birds. The exhibition blends 2d and 3d works by regional artists and study participants in an expanded wunderkammer alongside time-based works by contemporary new media artists. These pieces expand on the themes of the study, wherein birds are archived through sound, wherein a posthuman speculative future and a children's story are retold to explicate the run-off harm caused by humans, and lastly, wherein a blue jay plays roadside philosopher at your local strip mall. Curated by Kevin Brophy.
This event-exhibition hosted by Freyberger Gallery at Penn State Berks thanks to support of the Grout-Kauffman and Dr. Ruth M. Freyberger Endowment for the Arts.
Tess Elliot, Derek G. Larson, Charlie Tweed, Eli Michael Stine and Becky Brown.
Berks Community: Ari & Linda Bloom, Marykate Cotter, Jane deGruchy, Dorothy Delong, Nic Fay, Jo Frable, Jeff Gernsheimer, Bradley Hartline, Stephanie Hartline, Kathryn Kundrat, Trudy Moore, Ryan Palmatier, Lisa Schnell, Kelsey Showalter, Safitaj Sindhar, Martha Ressler, and Christine Summy.
Including virtual exhibition of work from youth in programs delivered in partnership with Youth Volunteer Corps of Reading, Baird Ornithological Club, and Berks Nature.